Laurent Tschopp / Certified tax expert and partner
In 1999, after having worked in the tax department of KPMG in Zurich, an acute crisis of homesickness led me to return to Vallis. In addition to fond memories, I brought back from my stay across the Sarine excellent knowledge of German and Swiss German, which I speak fluently. There followed 15 exciting years within the fiduciary Fidag SA. In October 2014, I embarked on a new professional challenge with the creation of my own consulting company.
My aim is to find simple and effective solutions to complicated problems or, even better, to find solutions that prevent problems.
In Yves Chabbey, I have found a sparring parnter who shares my passion for taxation, complex situations and human relations.
Professional experience
Since 2014
Laurent Tschopp Fiscalité et Conseils SA, became Tschopp Chabbey Fiscalité et Conseils SA / Founder and partner
Fiduciaire Fidag SA / Partner and director, member of the board of directors, responsible for the tax area
KPMG, Zurich / Tax specialist
Certified Tax Expert, Zurich and Lausanne
Lic.oec. HSG, St-Gall
Commercial high school diploma, Sion
Other commitments
Since 2018
President of the association Pro-Economy.vs
Lecturer in taxation at the HEVS, Sierre
Secretary General of the Pro-Economy.vs association
Deputy to the Grand Council
Member of the Romand Order of Qualified Tax Experts
Member of Swiss Expert (Formerly Swiss Fiduciary Chamber)
Member of various boards of directors
Hiking, motorbiking, sport shooting